2024 Annual Sumner Community Club Meeting


The annual meeting for the Sumner Community Club and Community Memorial Hospital, Hillcrest Living and Sumner Emergency Medical Service (SEMS) is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19th at 5:30 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Sumner.  The 5:30 social time will include a variety of light snacks to enjoy prior to the meeting at 6:00 p.m.  The cost for the social event will be $5.00.  The Sumner Community Club is the operating corporation of Sumner’s Community Memorial Hospital (CMH). The By-Laws of Sumner Community Club (CMH) require this annual meeting to be held as the means to provide the members an opportunity to review prior year financial statements and serves as the mechanism in which the Board of Directors members are elected.

The meeting structure allows each of these organizations to share information specific to them with a goal to keep community members informed of what changes have occurred in the past year along with sharing news and updates into the new year.  To become a member of the Sumner Community Club, interested persons need only pay $1.00 to have voting rights for the annual election of board members for CMH, Hillcrest and SEMS.

The voting opportunity is open to the public. To be eligible to cast a vote, individuals will need to pay $1.00 and fill out the respective ballots. Ballots will be available at Community Memorial Hospital at the front greeters’ desk beginning Tuesday, March 5th. Voting will end at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19th.

The ballots for CMH, Hillcrest and SEMS will be shared in a later notice. The ballot will also be published in the Gazette the week of February 29th.

Please plan to join us for an evening of socialization and community business updates.